Perl Tutorial - Practical Extraction and Reporting Language (Perl)

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Table of Contents

  1. Perl Introduction
  2. Perl Program Startup
  3. Perl Regular Expressions
  4. Perl Array Program
  5. Perl Basic Program
  6. Perl Subroutine / Function Program
  7. Perl XML Program
  8. Perl String Program
  9. Perl Statement Program
  10. Perl Network Program
  11. Perl Hash Program
  12. Perl File Handling Program
  13. Perl Data Type Program
  14. Perl Database Program
  15. Perl Class Program
  16. Perl CGI Program
  17. Perl GUI Program
  18. Perl Report Program

Perl File Handling Program

Access permissions for the mkdir function.

 Value       Permission 
4000        Set user ID on execution 
2000        Set group ID on execution 
1000        Sticky bit (see the UNIX chmod manual page) 
0400        Read permission for file owner 
0200        Write permission for file owner 
0100        Execute permission for file owner 
0040        Read permission for owner's group 
0020        Write permission for owner's group 
0010        Execute permission for owner's group 
0004        Read permission for world 
0002        Write permission for world 
0001        Execute permission for world

Apply chomp to all elements of an array

use warnings;
use strict;
my @array = ( "One\n", "Two\n", "Three", "Four", "Five\n" );
my $newlines = chomp ( @array );  
print "\nWe just removed $newlines newlines from that list!\n";
print "\nThe list is now @array.";

'-B filehandle': True if file is binary.

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
$dir = "c:\\";
opendir(DIR, $dir) or die "Can't open $name due to $!";
@entries = readdir(DIR);
@sorted = sort(@entries);
foreach $entry (@sorted) {
    $name = $dir . '/' . $entry;
    print "$name   ";
    if (-T $name) {
        print ", text file ";
    } elsif (-B $name) {
        print ", binary file ";
    print "\n"; # End line.

binmode command sets up a file for access in binary mode with no mapping of carriage returns.

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Usage:
# infile outfile
$input = $ARGV[0];
$output = ">" . $ARGV[1];
open(INPUT, $input) or die "Can't open $input due to $!.";
open(OUTPUT, $output) or die "Can't open $output due to $!.";
# Use shorthand for reading file.
while ( <INPUT> ) {
    print OUTPUT $_;
# Close the files when done.
close (INPUT);
close (OUTPUT);

Calculating Byte Offsets with telldir

chdir ("c:\\temp");
use Cwd;
$dir = cwd();
opendir (DH, $dir) || warn $!;
$sByteOffset = telldir DH;
$pbo = $sByteOffset;
while ($dirName = (readdir(DH))){
   $dirNameLength = length($dirName);
   $byteOffset = telldir DH;
   $diff = $byteOffset - $pbo;
   $totalSize = $pbo - $sByteOffset;
   print "$dirName is $dirNameLength characters long at $pbo which is $diff bytes\n";
   $pbo = $byteOffset;
print "Total directory bytes is: $totalSize\n";

Call stat function from file handle

 use IO::File;
$filename = 'file.txt';
$filehandle = new IO::File;
$filehandle->open("<$filename") or die "Cannot open $filename";
($dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size, $atime,
    $mtime, $ctime, $blksize, $blocks) = $filehandle->stat;
print "$filename is $size bytes long.";

Call tell function from file handle

 use IO::File;
use IO::Seekable;
$filehandle = new IO::File;
$filehandle->open("<file.txt") or die "Cannot open file.txt";
$filehandle->seek(12, 0);
print $filehandle->tell;

CDROM operation

use warnings;
use strict;
open CDROM, '/dev/cdrom' or die "$!";
ioctl CDROM, 0x5309, 1;   # the ioctl number for CDROMEJECT
close CDROM;

Change a directory

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
print "please enter a directory name: ";
chomp(my $dir = <STDIN>);
mkdir $dir, 0777 or die "failed to make directory $dir: $!\n";
print "made the directory $dir ok!\n";
chdir $dir or die "failed to change into $dir: $!\n";
print "changed into $dir ok!\n";

Change a file's permissions?

 #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
    use Getopt::Long;
    my $ret = GetOptions ("f|filename:s", "p|permission:s");
    my $filename = $opt_f || die "Usage: $0 -f filename -p Permission\n";
    my $newPerm = $opt_p || die "Usage: $0 -f filename -p Permission\n";
    # Does the file exist?
    if (! -e $filename)
       print "The file $filename does not exist.\n";
    # Translate the string mode to an octal value
    my $mode = oct($newPerm);
    # Change the permissions of the file.
    if ((chmod $mode, $filename) != 1)
       print "Error: Could not change permissions on $filename : $!\n";

Change dir with chdir

 #! /usr/local/bin/perl
use Cwd;
$dir = cwd;
print "dir=> $dir\n";
chdir ('D:\\mydir');
$dir = cwd;

Change file handle to binary mode

 open (FILEHANDLE, ">data.txt") 
    or die ("Cannot open data.txt");
print FILEHANDLE "Hello\nthere!";

Checks the permissions of a file

 #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
    use Getopt::Long;
    my $ret = GetOptions ("f|filename:s");
    my $filename = $opt_f || die "Usage: $0 -f filename\n";
    # Check if the file exists
    if (! -e $filename)
       print "The file $filename does not exist.\n";
    # Perform a stat on the file.
    my $perms = (stat ($filename))[2] & 07777;
    printf "The octal permissions of the file $filename are %o\n", $perms;

Checks whether an unopened file actually exists.

unless (open(MYFILE, "file1")) { 
  if (-e "file1") { 
     die ("File file1 exists, but cannot be opened.\n"); 
  } else { 
     die ("File file1 does not exist.\n"); 
$line = <MYFILE>; 
while ($line ne "") { 
   chop ($line); 
   print ("\U$line\E\n"); 
   $line = <MYFILE>; 

Close a file handle

 use IO::File;
$filehandle = new IO::File;
$filehandle->open(">hello.txt") or die "Cannot open hello.txt";

Closing the Filehandle

#close (FILEHANDLE);
open(INFILE, "datebook");

Contents of the current directory

use strict;
print "Contents of the current directory:\n";
foreach (<*>) {
    next if $_ eq "." or $_ eq "..";
    print $_, " " x (30 - length($_));
    print "d" if -d $_;
    print "r" if -r _;
    print "w" if -w _;
    print "x" if -x _;
    print "o" if -o _;
    print "\t";
    print -s _ if -r _ and -f _;
    print "\n";

Contents of the entire file are printed

open(FILE, "<data.txt") || die "Can't open data.txt: $!\n";
@lines = <FILE>;
print @lines;       
print "\nThe file contains ", $#lines + 1," lines of text.\n";

Copy file by reading one file and save to another file

 open INFILEHANDLE, "<data.uue";
open OUTFILEHANDLE, ">data.dat";
binmode OUTFILEHANDLE;    #Necessary in MS DOS!
while (defined($line = <INFILEHANDLE>)) {
    print OUTFILEHANDLE unpack('u*', $line);

Copy files

use warnings;
use strict;
use File::Copy;
print "Filename: ";
my $infile = <>;
chomp $infile;
print "New name: ";
my $outfile = <>;
chomp $outfile;
unless (copy $infile, $outfile) {
    print "Failed to copy '$infile' to '$outfile': $! \n";

Copying a file using the File::Copy

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
use File::Copy;
$input  = "text.txt";
$output = "text1.txt";
copy($input, $output) or die "Can't copy $input to $output due to $!.";

Copying files

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Usage:
# infile outfile
$input = $ARGV[0];
$output = ">" . $ARGV[1];
open(INPUT, $input) 
    or die "Can't open $input due to $!.";
open(OUTPUT, $output) 
    or die "Can't open $output due to $!.";
# Use shorthand for reading file.
while ( <INPUT> ) {
    print OUTPUT $_;
# Close the files when done.
close (INPUT);
close (OUTPUT);

Count the lines of a file

use strict;
use IO::File;
my $file    = "yourFile.txt";
my $counter = 0;
my $fh = IO::File->new($file) or die "Can't open $file: $!\n";
while ( defined (my $line = $fh->getline) ) {
STDOUT->print("Counted $counter lines\n");

Create a directory tree

 #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
    use File::Path;
    my $count = mkpath(\@ARGV, 1, 0711);
    print "The number of directories created is $count\n";

Create dir with mkdir and remove dir with rmdir

 #! /usr/local/bin/perl
use Cwd;
$dir = cwd;
print "dir=> $dir\n";
mkdir ('D:\\newdir',000) || warn "mkdir failed $!";
mkdir ('newdir2',000) || warn "mkdir failed $!";
rmdir ('newdir');
print "\n\n";

Creating a file with the numbers 0-9: +>

use strict;
use warnings;
print "Creating a file with the numbers 0-9.\n";
open FILE, "+>file.txt" or die "Unable to open file: $!\n";
print FILE "0\n1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n9\n";
close FILE or die "Unable to open file: $!\n";

Creating Directory

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "Creating Directory ...";
mkdir("c:/newdir")|| die "Directory could not be created ...";

Creating Directory with mkdir

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "Creating Directory ...";
mkdir("c:/newdir") || die "Directory could not be created ...";

Deal with \r character during file copy

 $infile = $ARGV[0];
$outfile = $ARGV[1];
open (INFILEHANDLE, "<$infile") or die ("Cannot open file.");
open (OUTFILEHANDLE, ">$outfile") or die ("Cannot open file.");
while (defined($line = <INFILEHANDLE>)) {
    $line =~ s/\r//g;
    print OUTFILEHANDLE $line;

Deal with the \r\n character during file copy

 $infile = $ARGV[0];
$outfile = $ARGV[1];
open (INFILEHANDLE, "<$infile") or die ("Cannot open file.");
open (OUTFILEHANDLE, ">$outfile") or die ("Cannot open file.");
while (defined($line = <INFILEHANDLE>)) {
    $line =~ s/\n/\r\n/g;
    print OUTFILEHANDLE $line;

defined lines in a file

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
open(MYFILE, "c:\\testfile.dat")|| die print "Error encountered opening file ... $!";
     print "$dataline <br>";

Delete a file

 #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
    use Getopt::Long;
    my $ret = GetOptions ("f|filename:s");
    my $filename = $opt_f || die "Usage: $0 -f filename\n";
    if (-e $filename)
       # Delete the file.
       if (unlink ($filename))
          print "The file $filename has been deleted.\n";
          print "The file $filename was not deleted: $!\n";
       print "The file $filename does not exist.\n";

Delete every file whose name ends in .bak:

use warnings;
use strict;
use File::Find;
find ( \&callback, "/") ;
sub callback {
    unlink $_ if /\.bak$/;

Deleting Multiple Directories

mkdir ("c:\\",0)||warn "$!";
for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++){
  mkdir ("c:\\\\rmdir$i",0)||warn "$!";
chdir ("c:\\Testlistings");
use Cwd;
$dir = cwd();
opendir (DH, $dir) || warn $!;
while ($dirName = (readdir(DH))){
   if ($dirName =~ /^rm/){
      print "Removing $dirName\n";
      rmdir ("$dirName") || warn $!;

Detecting the current directory

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Cwd;
$dir = getcwd();
print "Current directory is:\n";
print "$dir\n";

Determine the contents of a directory tree?

 #find function side effect variables
#$dir             The current directory name
#$_               The current file name within that directory
    #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
    use Getopt::Long;
    use File::Find;
    my $ret = GetOptions ("d|directory:s");
    my $directory = $opt_d || die "Usage: $0 -d directory\n";
    sub wanted
       print "Dir =<$dir>\n";
       print "Name=<$name>\n";
       print "File=<$_>\n";
    find(\&wanted, $directory);

'-d filehandle': True if file is a directory.

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
$dir = "c:\\";
opendir(DIR, $dir) or die "Can't open $name due to $!";
@entries = readdir(DIR);
@sorted = sort(@entries);
foreach $entry (@sorted) {
    $name = $dir . '/' . $entry;
    print "$name   ";
    if (-l $name) {
        print "symbolic link";
    } elsif (-d $name) {
        print "directory";
    }  elsif (-p $name) {
        print "FIFO pipe"; 
    }  elsif (-f $name) {
        print "normal file";
    }  else {
        print "unknown file type";

does file exist?

use strict;
use warnings;
foreach my $file ( @ARGV ) {
   print( "Checking $file: " );
   if ( -e $file ) {        
      print( "$file exists!\n" );
      if ( -f $file ) {     
         print( "The file $file is:" );
         print( " executable" ) if ( -x $file );
         print( " readable" ) if ( -r $file );  
         print( " writable" ) if ( -w $file );  
         print( "\n" );
         print( "It is ", -s $file, " bytes.\n" );
      elsif ( -d $file ) {   # is it a directory?
         print( "$file is a directory!\n" );
   else {
      print( "$file doesn't exist.\n" );
   print( "\n" );

'-e filehandle': True if file exists.

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
$dir = "c:\\";
opendir(DIR, $dir) or die "Can't open $name due to $!";
@entries = readdir(DIR);
@sorted = sort(@entries);
foreach $entry (@sorted) {
    $name = $dir . '/' . $entry;
    print "$name   ";
    if (-e $name) {
        print " exist ";
    print "\n"; # End line.

Extracting file names from paths

 #use File::Basename;
#($basename, $directory_path, $suffix) = fileparse($fullname, @suffixlist);
#The $fullname value holds the full directory path. 
#The @suffixlist array is a list of regular expressions used to match against the file name. 
@suffixlist = '.pl';
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use File::Basename;
$fullname = "/usr/local/lib/perl5/";
@suffixlist = '.pl';
($basename, $directory_path, $suffix) = fileparse($fullname, @suffixlist);
print "For   $fullname\n";
print "base: $basename\n";
print "path: $directory_path\n";
print "ext.: $suffix\n";

Extracts base file name from full path. Uses DOS/Windows conventions.

 #use File::Basename;
#The other supported types are AmigaOS, os2, MSWin32, VMS, MacOS, and RISCOS. 
#UNIX is the default type.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use File::Basename;
$fullname = 'C:\Perl\lib\site\';
@suffixlist = '.pl';
($basename, $directory_path, $suffix) = fileparse($fullname, @suffixlist);
print "For   $fullname\n";
print "base: $basename\n";
print "path: $directory_path\n";
print "ext.: $suffix\n";

'-f filehandle': True if file is a normal file.

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
$dir = "c:\\";
opendir(DIR, $dir) or die "Can't open $name due to $!";
@entries = readdir(DIR);
@sorted = sort(@entries);
foreach $entry (@sorted) {
    $name = $dir . '/' . $entry;
    print "$name   ";
    if (-f $name) {
        print "normal file";
    }  else {
        print "unknown file type";

File copying

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my $source      = shift @ARGV;
my $destination = shift @ARGV;
open(IN, '<', $source)       or die "Can't read source file $source: $!\n";
open(OUT, '>', $destination) or die "Can't write on to file $destination: $!\n";
print "Copying $source to $destination\n";
while (<IN>) {
    print OUT $_;
close IN;
close OUT;

File find closure

use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Find;
die "Give me a directory\n" unless @ARGV;
    my @results;
    sub wanted { push @results, $File::Find::name }
    sub findfiles {
        find \&wanted, $_[0];
        return @results;
foreach my $dir (@ARGV) {
    print("Error: $dir is not a directory\n"), next unless -d $dir;
    my @files=findfiles($dir);
    print "$_ contains @files\n";

File finder and callback

 use File::Find;
find(\&wanted, '/httpd', '/ellie/testing' );
sub wanted{
    -d $_ && print "$File::Find::name\n";

$File::Find::prune = 1 if /dir1/;

 use File::Find;
find sub {
    $File::Find::prune = 1 if /dir1/;
    print "Here's a text file: $File::Find::name\n" if -T

Filehandle References

open(README, "/etc/passwd") || die;
&readit(\*README);     # Reference to a typeglob
sub readit {
      my ($passwd)=@_;
      print "\$passwd is a $passwd.\n";
seek(README,0,0) || die "seek: $!\n"; # Reset back to begining of job

File read and write

use warnings;
use strict;
open READ, "myfile" or die "Cannot open: $! \n";
my @lines = <READ>;
print "$. lines read \n";
close READ;
exit if $#lines < 9;
open WRITE, "> myfile" or die "Cannot write: $! \n";
print WRITE $_ foreach @lines[-10..-1];
print "done \n";
close WRITE;

File seek operations

seek (FD, 10, 0)    The file descriptor pointer moves to the 10th character from the beginning of the file.
seek (FD, 5, 1)     The file descriptor pointer moves 5 characters forward from its current position.
seek (FD, -5, 1)    The file descriptor pointer moves 5 characters backward from its current position.
seek (FD, -10, 2)   The file descriptor is moved 10 characters from the end of the file.

File size with FIELDS

use warnings;
use strict;
use File::stat qw(:FIELDS);
my $filename = "data.txt";
if (stat $filename) {
    print "'$filename' is ", $st_size,
          " bytes and occupies ", $st_blksize * $st_blocks,
          " bytes of disc space \n";
} else {
    print "Cannot stat $filename: $| \n";

File statistics returned from the stat command

dev               ID of device containing a directory entry for this file.
ino               Inode number.
mode              File permission mode.
nlink             Number of links.
uid               User ID of the file's owner.
gid               Group ID of the file's group.
rdev              ID of device. This is defined only for character of block special files.
size              File size in bytes.
atime             Time of last access in seconds since the epoch.
mtime             Time of last modification in seconds since the epoch.
ctime             Time of last status change in seconds since the epoch.
blksize           Preferred I/O block size. Valid only on BSD type systems.
blocks            Number of blocks allocated for file. Valid only on BSD systems.

File stats

use warnings;
use strict;
print "Enter filename to test: ";
my $filename = <>;
chomp $filename;
if (lstat $filename) {
    print "$filename is a file \n" if -f _;
    print "$filename is a directory \n" if -d _;
    print "$filename is a link \n" if -l _;
    print "$filename is readable \n" if -r _;
    print "$filename is writable \n" if -w _;
    print "$filename is executable \n" if -x _;
} else {
    print "$filename does not exist \n";

File testing script

print "File is readable\n" if -r  $file;
print "File is writeable\n" if -w  $file;
print "File is executable\n" if -x  $file;
print "File is a regular file\n" if -f  $file;
print "File is a directory\n" if -d $file;
print "File is text file\n" if -T $file;
printf "File was last modified %f days ago.\n", -M $file;
print "File has been accessed in the last 12 hours.\n" if -M <= 12;
print "File has read, write, and execute set.\n" if -r $file && -w _ && -x _;
stat("afile");  # stat another file
print "File is a set user id program.\n" if  -u _;# underscore evaluates to last file stat'ed
print "File is zero size.\n" if -z_;

File test operators

-A          Age of file in days from the last access time.
-B          if the file is a binary file.
-C          Age of file in days from the last inode change.
-M          Age of file in days when script started.
-O          if the file is owned by the real user ID (UID).
-R          if the file is readable by real UID or group ID (GID).
-S          if the file is a socket.
-T          if the file is a text file.
-W          if the file is writable by real UID or GID.
-X          if the file is executable by real UID or GID.
-b          if the file is a block special file.
-c          if the file is a character special file.
-d          if the file is a directory.
-e          if the file exists.
-f          if the file is a plain file.
-g          if the file has setgid bit set.
-k          if the file has sticky bit set.
-l          if the file is a symbolic link.
-o          if the file is owned by effective UID.
-p          if the file is a named pipe.
-r          if the file is readable by effective UID or GID.
-s          if the file has nonzero size and returns the size of the file.
-t          if the filehandle is opened to a TTY.
-u          if the file has setuid bit set.
-w          if the file is writable by effective UID or GID.
-x          if the file is executable by effective UID or GID.
-z          if the file has zero size.

File Test Operators[a]

 Operator    Meaning
-r $file    True for a readable file.
-w $file    True for a writeable file.
-x $file    True for an executable file.
-o $file    True for owned by effective uid.
-e $file    True if exists.
-z $file    True for zero size.
-s $file    True if $file has nonzero size. Returns the size of the file in bytes.
-f $file    True for a plain file.
-d $file    True for a directory file.
-l $file    True for a symbolic link.
-p $file    True for a named pipe or FIFO.
-S $file    True for a socket.
-b $file    True for a block special file.
-c $file    True for a character special file.
-u $file    True for a setuid bit set.
-g $file    True for a setgid bit set.
-k $file    True for a sticky bit set.
-t $file    True if filehandle is opened to a tty.
-T $file    True for a text file.
-B $file    True for a binary file.
-M $file    Age in days since modified.
-A $file    Age in days since last accessed.
-C $file    Age in days since the inode changed.

File-test operators that check information returned by stat.

 Operator          Description 
-b                Is filename a mountable disk (block device)? 
-c                Is filename an I/O device (character device)? 
-s                Is filename a non-empty file? 
-t                Does filename represent a terminal? 
-A                How long since filename accessed? 
-C                How long since filename's inode accessed? 
-M                How long since filename modified? 
-S                Is filename a socket?

File-test operators that test for permissions.

 Operator      Description 
-g            Does filename have its set group ID bit set? 
-k            Does filename have its "sticky bit" set? 
-r            Is filename a readable file? 
-u            Does filename have its set user ID bit set? 
-w            Is filename a writable file? 
-x            Is filename an executable file? 
-R            Is filename readable only if the real user ID can read it? 
-W            Is filename writable only if the real user ID can write? 
-X            Is filename executable only if the real user ID can execute it?

File-Test Operator Syntax

 Operator                Description
-b                      Is name a block device?
-c                      Is name a character device?
-d                      Is name a directory?
-e                      Does name exist?
-f                      Is name an ordinary file?
-g                      Does name have its setgid bit set?
-k                      Does name have its "sticky bit" set?
-l                      Is name a symbolic link?
-o                      Is name owned by the user?
-p                      Is name a named pipe?
-r                      Is name a readable file?
-s                      Is name a non-empty file?
-t                      Does name represent a terminal?
-u                      Does name have its setuid bit set?
-w                      Is name a writable file?
-x                      Is name an executable file?
-z                      Is name an empty file?
-A                      How long since name accessed?
-B                      Is name a binary file?
-C                      How long since name's inode accessed?
-M                      How long since name modified?
-O                      Is name owned by the "real user" only?*
-R                      Is name readable by the "real user" only?*
-S                      Is name a socket?
-T                      Is name a text file?
-W                      Is name writable by the "real user" only?*
-X                      Is name executable by the "real user" only?*

File Tests

 #-e True if the file exists.
#-f True if the file is a plain file  not a directory.
#-d True if the file is a directory.
#-z True if the file has zero size.
#-s True if the file has nonzero size  returns size of file in bytes.
#-r True if the file is readable by you.
#-w True if the file is writable by you.
#-x True if the file is executable by you.
#-o True if the file is owned by you.
use warnings;
use strict;
my $target = "myFile";
while (1) {
    if (-e $target) {
        print "File already exists. What should I do?\n";
        print "(Enter 'r' to write to a different name, ";
        print "'o' to overwrite or\n";
        print "'b' to back up to $target.old)\n";
        my $choice = <STDIN>;
        chomp $choice;
        if ($choice eq "r") {
        } elsif ($choice eq "o") {
            unless (-o $target) {
                print "Can't overwrite $target, it's not yours.\n";
            unless (-w $target) {
                print "Can't overwrite $target: $!\n";
        } elsif ($choice eq "b") {
            if ( rename($target,$target.".old") ) {
                print "OK, moved $target to $target.old\n";
            } else {
                print "Couldn't rename file: $!\n";
        } else {
            print "I didn't understand that answer.\n";
    last if open OUTPUT, "> $target";
    print "I couldn't write on $target: $!\n";
print OUTPUT "Congratulations.\n";
print "Wrote to file $target\n";

File Tests for Age

 Operator    Meaning
-A          Returns the number of days since last access relative to the program's beginning execution time.
-C          Returns the number of days since last inode change relative to the program's beginning execution time (for Unix systems).
-M          Returns the number of days since last modification, relative to the program's beginning execution time.

File Tests for Execution

 Operator    Meaning
-u          Returns true if this file will execute with the user ID of the file.
-g          Returns true if this file will execute with the group ID of the file.
-k          Returns true if this file will execute with the privileges of the user ID of the file.

File Tests for Existence and Size

 Operator     Meaning
-e           Returns true if this file exists.
-s           Returns true if this file has nonzero size.
-z           Returns true if this file has zero size.

File Tests for Privileges

 Operator      Meaning
-r            Returns true if this file is readable by the effective ID (user ID and group ID).
-w            Returns true if this file is writable by the effective ID (user ID and group ID).
-x            Returns true if this file is executable by the effective ID (user ID and group ID).
-o            Returns true if this file is owned by the effective ID (user ID and group ID).
-R            Returns true if this file is readable by the login ID (real user ID and group ID).
-W            Returns true if this file is writable by the login ID (real user ID and group ID).
-X            Returns true if this file is executable by the login ID (real user ID and group ID).
-O            Returns true if this file is owned by the login ID (real user ID and group ID).

File Tests for Type

 Operator        Meaning
-f              Returns true if this file a plain file.
-d              Returns true if this file is a directory.
-l              Returns true if this file is a symbolic link (for Unix systems).
-T              Returns true if this file is a text file.
-B              Returns true if this file is a binary file.
-b              Returns true if this file is a block special file.
-c              Returns true if this file is a character special file.

File Tests for Unix File Handle Types

 Operator        Meaning
-p              Returns true if this file is a named pipe.
-S              Returns true if this file is a socket.
-t              Returns true if this file is a tty device.

Find file

use warnings;
use strict;
use File::Find;
use File::Copy;
die "Usage: $0 <dir> [<dir>...] \n" unless @ARGV;
foreach (@ARGV) {
    die "'$_' does not exist \n" unless -e $_;
sub lcfile {
    print "$File::Find::dir - $_ \n";
    move ($_, lc $_);
finddepth (\&lcfile, @ARGV);

Find out if there's a copy of the dir program on this computer

use warnings;
use strict;
use File::Spec::Functions;
foreach (path()) {
    my $test = catfile($_,"dir");
    print "Yes, dir is in the $_ directory.\n";
print "dir was not found here.\n";

Get current dir

 #! /usr/local/bin/perl
use Cwd;
$dir = cwd;
print "dir=> $dir\n";
chdir ('D:\\mydir');
$dir = cwd;

Get file list from a specific folder

 print join ("\n", glob ('/home/steve/*'));

Get file list under C:/* (C:\\*)

 print join ("\n", glob ('C:/*'));
print join ("\n", glob ('C:\\*'));

Get file modified/accessed time

use strict;
use warnings;
foreach my $file ( @ARGV ) {
   print( "Checking $file: " );
   if ( -e $file ) {        
      print( "$file exists!\n" );
      if ( -f $file ) {     
         print( "The file $file is:" );
         my @time = timeconv( -A $file );          
         print( "Last accessed at $time[0] days, ","$time[1] hours, $time[2] minutes ","and $time[3] seconds.\n" );
         @time = timeconv( -M $file );             
         print( "Last modified at $time[0] days, ","$time[1] hours, $time[2] minutes, ","and $time[3] seconds ago.\n" );
      elsif ( -d $file ) {   
         print( "$file is a directory!\n" );
   else {
      print( "$file doesn't exist.\n" );
   print( "\n" );
sub timeconv
   my $time = shift();
   my $days = int( $time );
   $time = ( $time - $days ) * 24;
   my $hours = int( $time );
   $time = ( $time - $hours ) * 60;
   my $minutes = int( $time );
   $time = ( $time - $minutes ) * 60;
   my $seconds = int( $time );
   return ( $days, $hours, $minutes, $seconds );

Get folder size, attributes and name

use strict;
print "Contents of the current directory:\n";
opendir DH, "." or die "Couldn't open the current directory: $!";
while ($_ = readdir(DH)) {
    next if $_ eq "." or $_ eq "..";
    print $_, " " x (30 - length($_));
    print "d" if -d $_;
    print "r" if -r _;
    print "w" if -w _;
    print "x" if -x _;
    print "o" if -o _;
    print "\t";
    print -s _ if -r _ and -f _;
    print "\n";
closedir DH;

Get return value from stat function

 $filename = 'file.txt';
($dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size, $atime,
    $mtime, $ctime, $blksize, $blocks) = stat($filename);
print "$filename is $size bytes long.";

Get the file size

use warnings;
use strict;
use File::stat;
my $filename = "data.txt";
if (my $stat = stat $filename) {
    print "'$filename' is ", $stat->size,
          " bytes and occupies ", $stat->blksize * $stat->blocks,
          " bytes of disc space \n";
} else {
    print "Cannot stat $filename: $| \n";

Get the length of a file

use strict;
use warnings;
print "Creating a file with the numbers 0-9.\n";
open FILE, "+>file.txt" or die "Unable to open file: $!\n";
print FILE "0\n1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n9\n";
close FILE or die "Unable to open file: $!\n";
open FILE, "<file.txt" or die "Unable to open file: $!\n";
my $length = tell( FILE );
print $length;
close FILE or die "Unable to open file: $!\n";

Get the size of a file

use strict;
use warnings;
foreach my $file ( @ARGV ) {
   print( "Checking $file: " );
   if ( -e $file ) {        
      print( "$file exists!\n" );
      if ( -f $file ) {     
         print( "It is ", -s $file, " bytes.\n" ); # size
      elsif ( -d $file ) {  
         print( "$file is a directory!\n" );
   else {
      print( "$file doesn't exist.\n" );
   print( "\n" );

Getting Information on a File

 The stat function gets a host of information about a file: 
($dev, $inode, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size, $atime,$mtime, $ctime, $blksize, $blocks) = stat(file);
The file can be either a file handle referring to a file you've opened or a file name. 
The stat function returns a list. 
The values returned from the stat function are listed in the following table.
The time values are returned as seconds from January 1, 1970.
If you don't have permission to read the file, lstat and stat will return an empty list.
Value       Holds
$dev        Device number of file system.
$inode      Inode number.
$mode       File mode (type and permissions).
$nlink      Number of hard links to the file.
$uid        Numeric user ID of file's owner.
$gid        Numeric group ID of file's owner.
$rdev       The device identifier device (special) files only.
$size       Total size of file, in bytes.
$atime      Time of last access.
$mtime      Time of last modification.
$ctime      Time of inode change.
$blksize    Preferred block size for file system I/O.
$blocks     Actual number of blocks allocated.

glob pack

use warnings;
use strict;
sub define_global {
    use vars qw($package_variable); #scope NOT limited
    $package_variable = "defined in subroutine";
print $package_variable; 
print $package_variable;

Ignoring PIPE exceptions.

use strict;
open (PIPE,"| yourFile.txt") or die "Can't open pipe: $!";
select PIPE; 
select STDOUT;
my $count=0;
for (1..10) {
  warn "$_\n";
  if (print PIPE "number $_\n") {
  } else {
    warn "An error occurred during writing: $!\n";
  sleep 1;
close PIPE or die "Can't close pipe: $!";
print "Wrote $count lines of text\n";

Input Filter: open(FILEHANDLE, COMMAND|);

open(INPIPE, "date /T |");    
$today = <INPIPE> ";
print $today;

Intercepting the PIPE signal

use strict;
my $ok = 1;
$SIG{PIPE} = sub { undef $ok };
open (PIPE,"| yourFile.txt") or die "Can't open pipe: $!";
select PIPE; 
select STDOUT;
my $count = 0;
for ($_=1; $ok && $_ <= 10; $_++) {
  warn "Writing line $_\n";
  print PIPE "This is line number $_\n" and $count++;
  sleep 1;
close PIPE or die "Can't close pipe: $!";
print "Wrote $count lines of text\n";

is the file a executable file?

use strict;
use warnings;
foreach my $file ( @ARGV ) {
   print( "Checking $file: " );
   if ( -e $file ) {        
      print( "$file exists!\n" );
      if ( -f $file ) {     
         print( "The file $file is:" );
         print( " executable" ) if ( -x $file );
      elsif ( -d $file ) {  
         print( "$file is a directory!\n" );
   else {
      print( "$file doesn't exist.\n" );
   print( "\n" );

is the file a plain file?

use strict;
use warnings;
foreach my $file ( @ARGV ) {
   print( "Checking $file: " );
   if ( -e $file ) {        
      print( "$file exists!\n" );
      if ( -f $file ) {     
         print( "It is ", -s $file, " bytes.\n" ); # size
      elsif ( -d $file ) {  
         print( "$file is a directory!\n" );
   else {
      print( "$file doesn't exist.\n" );
   print( "\n" );

is the file a readable file?

use strict;
use warnings;
foreach my $file ( @ARGV ) {
   print( "Checking $file: " );
   if ( -e $file ) {        
      print( "$file exists!\n" );
      if ( -f $file ) {     
         print( "The file $file is:" );
         print( " readable" ) if ( -r $file );
      elsif ( -d $file ) {  
         print( "$file is a directory!\n" );
   else {
      print( "$file doesn't exist.\n" );
   print( "\n" );

is the file a writable file?

use strict;
use warnings;
foreach my $file ( @ARGV ) {
   print( "Checking $file: " );
   if ( -e $file ) {        
      print( "$file exists!\n" );
      if ( -f $file ) {     
         print( "The file $file is:" );
         print( " writable" ) if ( -w $file );    
         print( "\n" );
      elsif ( -d $file ) {   # is it a directory?
         print( "$file is a directory!\n" );
   else {
      print( "$file doesn't exist.\n" );
   print( "\n" );

'-l filehandle': True if file is a symbolic link.

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
$dir = "c:\\";
opendir(DIR, $dir) or die "Can't open $name due to $!";
@entries = readdir(DIR);
@sorted = sort(@entries);
foreach $entry (@sorted) {
    $name = $dir . '/' . $entry;
    print "$name   ";
    if (-l $name) {
        print "symbolic link";
    } elsif (-d $name) {
        print "directory";
    }  elsif (-p $name) {
        print "FIFO pipe"; 
    }  elsif (-f $name) {
        print "normal file";
    }  else {
        print "unknown file type";

Link two files

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my $filetolink = '';
my $linkname   = '';
symlink($filetolink, $linkname) or die "link creation failed: $!";
print "link created ok!\n";
my $readlinkresult = readlink($linkname);
print "$linkname is a sym link to $readlinkresult\n";

List all the files in a directory

 #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
    while (glob("*"))
       print "File: $_\n";

Lists files in directory; then gets info on files with stat

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
$dir = "c:\\";
opendir(DIR, $dir) or die "Can't open $name";
@entries = readdir(DIR);
@sorted = sort(@entries);
foreach $entry (@sorted) {
    $name = $dir . '/' . $entry;
    print "\nEntry: $name\n";
    ($dev, $inode, $mode, $nlink,$uid, $gid, $rdev, $size, $atime,$mtime, $ctime, $blksize, $blocks) = stat($name);
    if (defined($dev) ) {     
      print "Device number    : $dev\n";
      print "Inode number     : $inode\n";
      print "File mode        : $mode\n";
      print "Number hard links: $nlink\n";
      print "Owner ID         : $uid\n";
      print "Owner Group ID   : $gid\n";
      print "Device ID        : $rdev\n";
      print "Total size       : $size\n";
      print "Last access time : $atime\n";
      print "Last modify time : $mtime\n";
      print "Last inode time  : $ctime\n";
      print "Block size       : $blksize\n";
      print "Number blocks    : $blocks\n";

List the content of current folder

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
print "contents of the new directory:\n";
opendir DH, '.' or die "opendir failed: $!";
my $filename;
while ($filename = readdir(DH)) {
    print "    $filename\n";
close DH;

List the files and subdirectories in a directory.

opendir(HOMEDIR, "/u/jqpublic") || die ("Unable to open directory"); 
while ($filename = readdir(HOMEDIR)) { 
    print ("$filename\n"); 

List the files and subdirectories in a directory in alphabetical order.

opendir(HOMEDIR, "/u/jqpublic") || die ("Unable to open directory"); 
@files = readdir(HOMEDIR); 
foreach $file (sort @files) { 
    print ("$file\n"); 

Look for all files that end with the extension .pl

 #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
    while (glob("*.pl"))
       print "File: $_\n";

Make a folder (directory)

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
print "please enter a directory name: ";
chomp(my $dir = <STDIN>);
mkdir $dir, 0777 or die "failed to make directory $dir: $!\n";
print "made the directory $dir ok!\n";

Merges two files.

open (INFILE1, "merge1") || die ("Cannot open input file merge1\n"); 
open (INFILE2, "merge2") || die ("Cannot open input file merge2\n"); 
$line1 = <INFILE1>; 
$line2 = <INFILE2>; 
while ($line1 ne "" || $line2 ne "") { 
   if ($line1 ne "") { 
     print ($line1); 
     $line1 = <INFILE1>; 
   if ($line2 ne "") { 
      print ($line2); 
      $line2 = <INFILE2>; 

Move file pointer by using the seek function

use strict;
use warnings;
print "Creating a file with the numbers 0-9.\n";
open FILE, "+>file.txt" or die "Unable to open file: $!\n";
print FILE "0\n1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n9\n";
close FILE or die "Unable to open file: $!\n";
print "Printing the third item:\n";
seek( FILE, 4, 0 );
my $in = <FILE>;
print "$in";
print "Printing the rest of the file:\n";
print while ( <FILE> );
close FILE or die "Unable to close file: $!";

Numbering Lines

use warnings;
use strict;
open FILE, "nlexample.txt" or die $!;
my $lineno = 1;
while (<FILE>) {
    print $lineno++;
    print ": $_";

Numbering Lines in Multiple Files

use warnings;
use strict;
my $lineno;
my $current = "";
while (<>) {
    if ($current ne $ARGV) {
        $current = $ARGV;
        print "\n\t\tFile: $ARGV\n\n";
    print $lineno++;
    print ": $_";

Open a file

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
open(FH, '<', 'yourFileName.dat') or die "We have a problem: $!";
close FH;

Open a file from another file handle

 open FILEHANDLE, "<file.txt" or die "Can not open file";
while (<FILEHANDLE2>) {

Open a file to read

 open FILEHANDLE, "<yourFile.xml";
while(<FILEHANDLE>) {

Open a pipe to the who command

use strict; 
my %who;   
open (WHOFH,"who |") or die "Can't open who: $!"; 
while (<WHOFH>) { 
    next unless /^(\S+)/; 
foreach (sort {$who{$b}<=>$who{$a}} keys %who) { 
    printf "%10s %d\n",$_,$who{$_}; 
close WHOFH or die "Close error: $!";

Open command expressions

 EXPRESSION                       EFFECT
open (FH, "<filename")           Opens file name for reading.
open (FH, "+<filename")          Opens file name for both reading and writing.
open (FH, ">filename")           Opens file name for writing.
open (FH, "+>filename")          Opens file name for both reading and writing.
open (FH, ">>filename")          Opens file name for appending.
open (FH, "command|")            Runs the command and pipes its output to the filehandle.
open (FH, "|command")            Pipes the output along the filehandle to the command.
open (FH, "-")                   Opens STDIN.
open (FH, ">-")                  Opens STDOUT.
open (FH, "<&=N")                Where N is a number, this performs the equivalent of C's fdopen for reading.
open (FH, ">&=N")                Where N is a number, this performs the equivalent of C's fdopen for writing.

Open file for update

use warnings;
use strict;
use Fcntl qw(:seek :flock);
open LOGFILE, ">>", "/tmp/mylog" or die "Unable to open: $! \n";
# lock file for exclusive access
# now seek to end of file explicitly, in case it changed since the open
# write our log message
print LOGFILE "Log message...\n";
# remove lock and close file
close LOGFILE;

Open file for writing

 open (FILEHANDLE, ">yourFile.txt") or die "Cannot open hello.txt";
print FILEHANDLE "Hello!";


 $filename = "file.dat";
open FILEHANDLE, ">$filename" or die "Cannot open $filename\n";


 open FILEHANDLE, "<file.txt" or die "Can not open file";
while (<FILEHANDLE2>) {


 open FILEHANDLE, "<file.txt" or die "Can not open file";
open FILEHANDLE2, "<otherfile.txt" or die "Can not open file";
while (<FILEHANDLE>) {

Open file reading

 open (FILEHANDLE, "<yourFile.txt") or die ("Cannot open hello.txt");

Open for Appending

 #Format: open(FILEHANDLE, ">> FILENAME");
open(HANDLE, ">>newfile") || die print "Can't open newfile: $!\n";
print HANDLE "appended \"hello world\" to the end of newfile.\n";

Open for Reading

open(MYHANDLE, "myfile");
open (FH, "</etc/passwd");
open (MYHANDLE);

Open for Reading and Writing

 #Symbol        Open For
#+<            Read first, then write
#+>            Write first, then read
#+>>           Append first, then read
open(FH, "+<visitor_count") ||die "Can't open visitor_count: $!\n";
print "You are visitor number $count.";
seek(FH, 0,0) || die;  
print FH $count;       

Open for Writing

 # Format: open(FILEHANDLE, ">FILENAME)";
open(HANDOUT, ">$file") || die "Can't open newfile: $!\n";
print HANDOUT "hello world.\n";
print HANDOUT "hello world again.\n";

Open for writing first, then reading

print "\n\n";
open(FH, "+>aFile") || die;
print FH "This line is written to joker.\n";
seek(FH,0,0);         # Go to the beginning of the file
while(<FH>) {
    print;            # Reads from aFile; the line is in $_

Opening an input filter on a Win32 platform

 open(LISTDIR, 'dir "C:\perl" |') || die;
@filelist = <LISTDIR>;
foreach  $file ( @filelist ){
   print $file;

Opening files and using file handles: open(filehandle, name);

 It's conventional to use uppercase names for file handles.
The name is the name of the file, along with some special codes for the particular mode you want to use when you open the file.
The special codes used with the file names and determine whether the file will open for reading or writing.
File Name        Meaning
<filename        Open file for input.
+<filename       Open file for input and output.
+>filename       Open file for input and output, truncate existing data.
filename         Open file for input.
>filename        Open file for output, truncate existing data.
>>filename       Open file for output, append to end of existing data.

open(MYFILE, ">>c:\\outfile.dat")

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
@linestring = ("line 1\n",
               "line 2\n");
open(MYFILE, ">>c:\\outfile.dat")|| die print "Error encountered opening file ... $!";
for($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++)
    $thisline = $linestring[$i];
    print MYFILE "$thisline";
print "Data has been written ..."

Open Operators

 Operation              Syntax                               Description
Read                   open(INFILE,"<filename");            Read from the file.
Write                  open(OUTFILE, ">filename");          Destroy any existing file and write to a new file.
Append                 open(APP, ">>filename");             Write to the end of an existing file.
Read/write             open(RW, "+<filename");              Read and write from an existing file.
Write to a program     open(PIPEOUT, "|filename");          Send data to a program or command. Also called opening a program pipe.
Read from a program    open(PIPEIN"filename|");             Receive data from a program or command.

Opens two files and copies one into another.

unless (open(INFILE, "file1")) { 
die ("cannot open input file file1\n"); 
unless (open(OUTFILE, ">outfile")) { 
   die ("cannot open output file outfile\n"); 
$line = <INFILE>; 
while ($line ne "") { 
    print OUTFILE ($line); 
    $line = <INFILE>; 

Output file

 open(SORT, "| sort" ) or die;  # Open pipe to write to
print SORT "dogs\ncats\nbirds\n"    #  Sorts birds, cats, dogs on separate lines.

Output file line by line

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
open(MYFILE, "c:\\testfile.dat")|| die print "Error encountered opening file ... $!";
     print "$dataline <br>";

Pass file handle reference in a the form of '*FILEHANDLE{IO}'

 sub printem
    my $file = shift;
    while (<$file>) {
open FILEHANDLE, "<file.txt" or die "Can not open file";
printem *FILEHANDLE{IO};

Pass file handle reference to a subroutine

 sub printem
    my $file = shift;
    while (<$file>) {
open FILEHANDLE, "<file.txt" or die "Can not open file";
printem *FILEHANDLE;

Pass file handle to stat function

 $filename = 'file.txt';
open FILEHANDLE, "<$filename";
($dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size, $atime,
    $mtime, $ctime, $blksize, $blocks) = stat(FILEHANDLE);
print "$filename is $size bytes long.";

Passing Filehandles by Reference

open(READMEFILE, "f1") || die;
&readit(*READMEFILE);      # Passing a filehandle to a subroutine
sub readit{
     local(*myfile)=@_;    # myfile is an alias for READMEFILE

Passing file handles to functions

use warnings;
use strict;
my $file = "yourFile.txt";
open( FILE, $file ) or die( "Error opening $file: $!" );
my $filehandle = *FILE;
readhandle( $filehandle );
close( FILE ) or die( "Error closing $file: $!" );
sub readhandle
   my $fh = shift();
   print while ( <$fh> );

Passing file name to functions

use warnings;
use strict;
my $file = "yourFile.txt";
print( "\n\nAnd finally...\n" );
readfile( $file );
sub readfile
   my $file = shift();
   local *FILE;
   open( FILE, $file ) or die( "Error opening $file: $!" );
   print while ( <FILE> );

'-p filehandle': True if file is a named pipe (FIFO).

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
$dir = "c:\\";
opendir(DIR, $dir) or die "Can't open $name due to $!";
@entries = readdir(DIR);
@sorted = sort(@entries);
foreach $entry (@sorted) {
    $name = $dir . '/' . $entry;
    print "$name   ";
    if (-l $name) {
        print "symbolic link";
    } elsif (-d $name) {
        print "directory";
    }  elsif (-p $name) {
        print "FIFO pipe"; 
    }  elsif (-f $name) {
        print "normal file";
    }  else {
        print "unknown file type";

Piping Data Between Processes

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
$pid = fork();  
if ($pid == 0) {  
   # We're in the child process.  
   # Send data to parent.  
   print TO_PARENT "Hello, parent\n";  
   exit(0);  # Terminate child.  
} elsif (undef $pid) {  
   print "Not defined: means an error.";  
} else {  
   # Parent process.  
   $data = <FROM_CHILD>;  
   print "From child: $data\n";  
   $id = wait();  
   print "Child $id is dead.\n";  

Print data to a file

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
$thisline = "asdf 9045";
open(MYFILE, ">c:/personnel.dat")|| die print "Error encountered opening file ... $!";
print MYFILE "$thisline";
print "Data has been written ..."

Print message in case of file open failure

 open (FILEHANDLE, ">hello.txt") or die "Cannot open hello.txt";
print FILEHANDLE "Hello!";

Print out file line number

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
open(FILE, '<', 'yourFile.txt') or die $!;
my $lineno = 1;
while (<FILE>) {
    print $lineno++;
    print ": $_";
close FH;

Prints the size of a file in bytes.

print ("Enter the name of the file:\n"); 
$filename = <STDIN>; 
chop ($filename); 
if (!(-e $filename)) { 
    print ("File $filename does not exist.\n"); 
} else { 
    $size = -s $filename; 
    print ("File $filename contains $size bytes.\n"); 

Print symbolic links.

$dir = "/u/Tom"; 
opendir(MYDIR, $dir); 
while ($name = readdir(MYDIR)) { 
    if (-l $dir . "/" . $name) { 
        print ("$name is linked to "); 
        print (readlink($dir . "/". $name) . "\n"); 

Print text to file

use strict;
use warnings;
print "Opening file for output:\n";
open OUTFILE, ">file.txt" or die "Can't find file.txt : $!";
print "Outputting to file.\n";
print OUTFILE "There was an old lady\n";
close OUTFILE or die "Can not close file.txt : $!";

Program that uses file locking -- UNIX

 $LOCK_EX = 2;
$LOCK_UN = 8;
open(DB, ">>datafile") || die "Can't open: $!\n";
flock(DB, $LOCK_EX) || die ;        
print DB "asdf:asdf\n";
flock(DB, $LOCK_UN) || die;

Read a directory entry

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
$name = "c:\\";
opendir(DIR, $name) or die "Can't open $name due to $!";
$entry = readdir(DIR);
while ( defined($entry) ) {
    print "$entry\n";
    $entry = readdir(DIR);

Read file content to a scalar variable

 open (FILEHANDLE, "<file.txt") or die "Cannot open file.txt";
$text = "";
until (eof FILEHANDLE) {
    read (FILEHANDLE, $newtext, 1) 
    $text .= $newtext;
print $text;

Read from a file

use strict;
use warnings;
print "Opening file for output:\n";
open OUTFILE, ">file.txt" or die "Can't find file.txt : $!";
print "Outputting to file.\n";
print OUTFILE "There was an old lady\n";
close OUTFILE or die "Can not close file.txt : $!";
print "It now reads:\n";
open INFILE, "file.txt" or die "Can not open file.txt : $!";
print while (<INFILE>);
close INFILE or die "Can not close file.txt : $!";

Read hash value from a file

 %hash = (
    meat => turkey,
    drink => tea,
    cheese => colby,
open FILEHANDLE, ">hash.dat" or die "Can not open hash.dat";
$, = " ";
print FILEHANDLE %hash;
open FILEHANDLE2, "<hash.dat" or die "Can not open hash.dat";
%hash2 = split(" ", <FILEHANDLE2>);
foreach $key (keys %hash2) {
    print "$key => $hash2{$key}\n";

Reading a directory all at once with an array: Use an array with the readdir command, instead of a scalar variable

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
$name = "c:\\";
opendir(DIR, $name)   or die "Can't open $name due to $!";
@entries = readdir(DIR);
# Sort results.
@sorted = sort(@entries);
foreach $entry (@sorted) {
    print "$entry\n";

Reading from a file

use strict;
use warnings;
open IN, "in.txt" or die "Can not open in.txt for reading : $!";
while ( my $line = <IN> ) {
   print "file:$line\n";
close IN or die "Can not close file : $!";

Reading from a Pipe

$ date | perl -ne 'print "Today is $_";'
Today is Mon Mar 12 20:01:58 PDT 2007
$ date /T | perl -ne "print qq/Today is $_/;"
Today is Tue 04/24/2007

Reading from the Filehandle

open(FILE, "data.txt") || die "Can't open data.txt: $!\n";
while(<FILE>) {
     print if /A/;

Reading More than One Line

use warnings;
use strict;
open FILE, "test.txt" or die $!;
my @last5;
while (<FILE>) {
    push @last5, $_; # Add to the end
    shift @last5 if @last5 > 5; # Take from the beginning
print "Last five lines:\n", @last5;

Reading one line from the file handle STDIN.

 $lang = <STDIN>;
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Usage:
# infile outfile
$input = $ARGV[0];
$output = ">" . $ARGV[1];
open(INPUT, $input) 
    or die "Can't open $input due to $!.";
open(OUTPUT, $output) 
    or die "Can't open $output due to $!.";
# Use shorthand for reading file.
while ( <INPUT> ) {
    print OUTPUT $_;
# Close the files when done.
close (INPUT);
close (OUTPUT);

Reading the contents of a directory: change to that directory and then use the glob command

 # @list = glob(expression);
# The expression needs to be a shell-style wildcard, such as *.pl for all file names ending in .pl.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
@list = glob("*.pl");
print ".pl files: @list";

Read line splitted by space

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
open(MYFILE, "c:/personnel.dat") || die print "Error encountered opening file ... $!";
     print "Reading file ...<br>";
     @fields = split(/ /, $dataline);
foreach $field(@fields)
    print "$field <br>";

readlink reads the link and returns the true file name that a link points to

 $true_file = readlink($file);

Read only the last file line from a text file

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
open(FILE, '<', 'yourFile.txt') or die $!;
my @speech = <FILE>;   # slurp the whole file into memory
close FILE;
print "Last five lines:\n", @speech[-5 .. -1];

Reads an entire input file into an array.

unless (open(MYFILE, "file1")) { 
   die ("cannot open input file file1\n"); 
@input = <MYFILE>; 
print (@input);

Reads lines from a file and prints them.

if (open(MYFILE, "file1")) { 
   $line = <MYFILE>; 
   while ($line ne "") { 
      print ($line); 
      $line = <MYFILE>; 

Read the first line of a local file

use IO::File;
my $file = "yourFile.txt";
my $fh   = IO::File->new($file);
my $line = <$fh>;
print $line;

Read till the end of the file

   print "$.\t$_";
   if (eof){
      print "-" x 30, "\n";

Redirects standard input and output and turns off buffering.

open (STDOUT, ">file1") || die ("open STDOUT failed"); 
open (STDERR, ">&STDOUT") || die ("open STDERR failed"); 
$| = 1; 
select (STDERR); 
$| = 1; 
print STDOUT ("line 1\n"); 
print STDERR ("line 2\n"); 
close (STDOUT); 
close (STDERR);

Redirects the standard output and standard error files.

open (STDOUT, ">file1") || die ("open STDOUT failed"); 
open (STDERR, ">&STDOUT") || die ("open STDERR failed"); 
print STDOUT ("line 1\n"); 
print STDERR ("line 2\n"); 
close (STDOUT); 
close (STDERR);

Reference eof function from file handle to check if it is the end of file

 use IO::File;
$filehandle = new IO::File;
$filehandle->open("<file.txt") or die "Could not open file.txt";
$text = "";
until ($filehandle->eof) {
    $filehandle->read($newtext, 1);
    $text .= $newtext;
print $text;

Remove a directory tree?

 #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
    use File::Path;
    my $count = rmtree(\@ARGV, 1, 1);
    print "There were $count files removed.\n";

Remove all paths supplied, silently and safely.

use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Path;
my $path=$ARGV[0];
my $verbose = 0;
my $safe = 1;
rmtree $path, $verbose, $safe;
rmtree(\@ARGV, 0, 1);

Removing Directory

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "Removing Directory ...";
rmdir("c:/newdir")|| die "Directory could not be created ...";

Rename a file

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
print "enter new file name: ";
chomp(my $newname = <STDIN>);
rename "../yourData.dat", $newname or die "rename failed: $!\n";
print "file moved successfully!\n";

Rename a group of files with a common extension?

 #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
    use Getopt::Long;
    use File::Basename;
    my $ret = GetOptions ("e|extension:s");
    my $ext = $opt_e || die "Usage: $0 -e Extension\n";
    my $filename;
    opendir (DIR, ".") || die "Can't open directory . $! \n";
    my @filelist = grep (/$ext$/, readdir (DIR));
    closedir (@filelist);
    for $filename (@filelist)
       my $base = basename($filename, $ext);
       print "Renaming $filename -> $base\n";
       if (!rename $filename, $base)
          print "Could not rename file $filename : $!\n";

Renaming a file before accidental deletion

use warnings;
use strict;
if ( -e 'file.txt' ) {
   print( "Do you want to write over file.txt? (yes or no): " );
   chomp( my $response = <STDIN> );
   rename( 'file.txt', 'file.old' ) or die( "Error renaming : $!" ) if ( $response eq 'no' );
open( FILE, ">file.txt" ) or die( "Error opening: $!" );
print( FILE "A copy of file.txt is saved in file.old.\n" );
close( FILE ) or die( "Cannot close: $!" );

Renaming Files: rename(OLDFILENAME, NEWFILENAME);

 rename ("tmp", "datafile");

Rewind dir

 #! /usr/local/bin/perl
use Cwd;
$dir = cwd;
print "dir=> $dir\n";
opendir(THISDIR, "$dir");
@dirList = <THISDIR>;
print "OPEN @dirList\n";
$loc = telldir THISDIR;
print "Before Rewind Loc ==> $loc\n";
rewinddir THISDIR;
$loc = telldir THISDIR;
print "After Rewind Loc ==> $loc\n";
rewinddir THISDIR;

Save formatted data to a file

 open (FILEHANDLE, ">format.txt") or die ("Cannot open format.txt");
$text1      $text2
$text1 = "Hello";
$text2 = "there!";

Save hash value to a file

 %hash = (
    meat => turkey,
    drink => tea,
    cheese => colby,
open FILEHANDLE, ">hash.dat" or die "Can not open hash.dat";
$, = " ";
print FILEHANDLE %hash;
open FILEHANDLE2, "<hash.dat" or die "Can not open hash.dat";
%hash2 = split(" ", <FILEHANDLE2>);
foreach $key (keys %hash2) {
    print "$key => $hash2{$key}\n";

Save new line character to a file

 open (FILEHANDLE, ">data.txt") 
    or die ("Cannot open data.txt");
print FILEHANDLE "Hello\nthere!";

Save packed data to a file

 $time = time;
$s = pack ("a8a8L", Mike, Flash, $time);
open FILEHANDLE, ">file.dat" or die "Can not open file.dat";
print FILEHANDLE $s;
open FILEHANDLE2, "<file.dat" or die "Can not open file.dat";
$s2 = <FILEHANDLE2>;
($first, $last, $time) = unpack ("a8a8L", $s2);
print "First name: $first\n";
print "Last name: $last\n";
print "Time: ", scalar localtime($time);

Seek a file

 open (FILEHANDLE, "<file.txt") or die "Cannot open file.txt";
seek FILEHANDLE, 12, 0;
while (<FILEHANDLE>){

Seek a minus value

 open(FH, "db") or die "Can't open datebook: $!\n";
seek(FH,-13,2) or die;

Seek and tell.

@array = ("This", "is", "a", "test"); 
open (TEMPFILE, ">file1"); 
foreach $element (@array) { 
    print TEMPFILE ("$element\n"); 
close (TEMPFILE); 
open (TEMPFILE, "file1"); 
while (1) { 
    $skipback = tell(TEMPFILE); 
    $line = <TEMPFILE>; 
    last if ($line eq ""); 
    print ($line); 
    $line = <TEMPFILE>; # assume the second line exists 
    print ($line); 
    seek (TEMPFILE, $skipback, 0); 
    $line = <TEMPFILE>; 
    print ($line); 
    $line = <TEMPFILE>; 
    print ($line); 

Seek current position

 open(FH, "db") or die "Can't open datebook: $!\n";
    last if /Tom/;
seek(FH,0,1) or die;   # Seeking from the current position
$line=<FH>;            # This is where the read starts again
print "$line";
close FH;

Seek log file

use strict;
use warnings;
open LOGFILE, "log.txt";
while (1) {
    print "$.: $_" while <LOGFILE>;
    seek LOGFILE, 0, 1;

Select a file handle

 open (FILEHANDLE, ">hello.txt") or die ("Cannot open hello.txt");
print "Hello!";

Selecting A Log File

use warnings;
use strict;
my $logging = "screen"; # Change this to "file" to send the log to a file!
if ($logging eq "file") {
    open LOG, "> output.log" or die $!;
    select LOG;
print "Program started: ", scalar localtime, "\n";
sleep 30;
print "Program finished: ", scalar localtime, "\n";
select STDOUT;

Sending the Output of a Filter to a File: open(STDOUT, ">/dev/tty");

# Program to redirect STDOUT from filter to a UNIX file
$| = 1;           
$tmpfile = "temp";
open(DB, "data.txt") || die qq/Can't open "data": $!\n/;
open(SAVED, ">&STDOUT") || die "$!\n";  
open(STDOUT, ">$tmpfile" ) || die "Can't open: $!\n";
open(SORT, "| sort +1") || die;
   print SORT;
close SORT;
open(STDOUT, ">&SAVED") || die "Can't open";

'-s filehandle': Returns size if file exists and has nonzero size.

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
$dir = "c:\\";
opendir(DIR, $dir) or die "Can't open $name due to $!";
@entries = readdir(DIR);
@sorted = sort(@entries);
foreach $entry (@sorted) {
    $name = $dir . '/' . $entry;
    print "$name   ";
    $size = -s $name;
    print " $size bytes, ";

'-S filehandle': True if file is a socket (uppercase S).

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
$dir = "c:\\";
opendir(DIR, $dir) or die "Can't open $name due to $!";
@entries = readdir(DIR);
@sorted = sort(@entries);
foreach $entry (@sorted) {
    $name = $dir . '/' . $entry;
    print "$name   ";
    if (-S $name) {
        print ", socket ";

Shuffle a file?

 #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
    # Randomize input lines
    srand; # make the rand function random
       push @lines, $_;
    while(@lines) {
      print splice(@lines, rand @lines, 1);

Some -X File Tests

 -e        File or directory exists.
-z        File is empty (zero size).
-s        File is not empty; function returns size in bytes.
-f        Argument is a plain file.
-d        Argument is a directory.
-l        Argument is a symbolic link.
-p        Argument is a named pipe.
-S        Argument is a socket.
-b        File is a block special file.
-c        File is a character special file.
-t        Filehandle is an open tty (isatty()).
-f        Argument is readable by effective uid/gid.
-w        Argument is writable by effective uid/gid.
-x        Argument is executable by effective uid/gid.
-o        Argument is owned by effective uid.
-R        Argument is readable by real uid/gid.
-W        File is writable by real uid/gid.
-X        File is executable by real uid/gid.
-O        File is owned by real uid.
-T        File is an ASCII text file.
-B        File is a binary file.
-u        Argument has setuid bit set.
-g        Argument has setgid bit set.
-k        Argument has sticky bit set.
-M        Time in days from argument modification time to Perl program start time.
-A        Time in days from argument access time to Perl program start time.
-C        Time in days from argument change time to Perl program start time.

Sort a file

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my $input  = shift;
my $output = shift;
open(INPUT, '<', $input)   or die "Couldn't open file $input: $!\n";
open(OUTPUT, '>', $output) or die "Couldn't open file $output: $!\n";
my @file = <INPUT>;
@file = sort @file;
print OUTPUT @file;
close INPUT;
close OUTPUT;

Split a file handle containing array

 @a1 = (1, 2, 3);
open FILEHANDLE, ">array.dat" or die "Can not open array.dat";
print FILEHANDLE "@a1";
open FILEHANDLE2, "<array.dat" or die "Can not open array.dat";
@a2 = split(" ", <FILEHANDLE2>);
print "@a2";

telldir and readdir

 #! /usr/local/bin/perl
use Cwd;
$dir = cwd;
print "dir=> $dir\n";
opendir(THISDIR, "$dir");
@dirList = <THISDIR>;
print "OPEN @dirList\n";
$loc = telldir THISDIR;
print "Before Rewind Loc ==> $loc\n";
rewinddir THISDIR;
$loc = telldir THISDIR;
print "After Rewind Loc ==> $loc\n";
rewinddir THISDIR;
do {
   $tellSpot[$i++] = telldir THISDIR;
} while (readdir THISDIR);
print "\n\nUsing seek to reset the directory handle\n\n";
for ($i = 2; $i <= $#tellSpot; $i++){
   seekdir (THISDIR,$tellSpot[$i]);
   $fn = readdir THISDIR;
closedir THISDIR;

Test for file attributes

 use Win32::File;
Win32::File::GetAttributes($File, $attr) or die;
print "The attribute value returned is: $attr.\n";
if ( $attr ){
       if ($attr & READONLY){
          print "File is readonly.\n";
       if ($attr & ARCHIVE){
          print "File is archive.\n";
       if ($attr & HIDDEN){
          print "File is hidden.\n";
       if ($attr & SYSTEM){
          print "File is a system file.\n";
       if ($attr & COMPRESSED){
          print "File is compressed.\n";
       if ($attr & DIRECTORY){
          print "File is a directory.\n";
       if ($attrib & NORMAL){
          print "File is normal.\n";
       if ($attrib & OFFLINE){
          print "File is normal.\n";
       if ($attrib & TEMPORARY){
          print "File is temporary.\n";
       print Win32::FormatMessage(Win32::GetLastError),"\n";

Tests for read permission on a file.

unless (open(MYFILE, "file1")) { 
   if (!(-e "file1")) { 
      die ("File file1 does not exist.\n"); 
   } elsif (!(-r "file1")) { 
      die ("You are not allowed to read file1.\n"); 
   } else { 
      die ("File1 cannot be opened\n"); 

Tests whether the file is empty before opening it for writing.

if (-e "outfile") { 
   if (!(-w "outfile")) { 
      die ("Missing write permission for outfile.\n"); 
   if (!(-z "outfile")) { 
      die ("File outfile is non-empty.\n"); 

'-T filehandle': True if file is an ASCII text file.

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
$dir = "c:\\";
opendir(DIR, $dir) or die "Can't open $name due to $!";
@entries = readdir(DIR);
@sorted = sort(@entries);
foreach $entry (@sorted) {
    $name = $dir . '/' . $entry;
    print "$name   ";
    if (-T $name) {
        print ", text file ";
    } elsif (-B $name) {
        print ", binary file ";
    print "\n"; # End line.

The chmod function modifies the read, write, and execute permissions on a file.

 The chmod command takes the following parameters: 
chmod($mode, $filename);
You can pass more than one file name. 
The $mode value is a numeric value based on UNIX file permissions
The $mode value is usually specified in octal notation. 
To mark a file as read-only, you can use the following command: 
chmod(0444, $filename);
UNIX File Permissions is listed in the following table.
Value     Meaning
0400     Owner of file has read permission.
0200     Owner has write permission.
0100     Owner has execute permission.
0040     All users in same group have read permission.
0020     Group users have write permission.
0010     Group users have execute permission.
0004     All users have read permission.
0002     All users have write permission.
0001     All users have execute permission.
The leading zero means these values are octal.

The chmod Function (UNIX)

 Octal   Binary       Permissions            Meaning
0       000          none                   All turned off
1       001          --x                    Execute
2       010          -w-                    Write
3       011          -wx                    Write, execute
4       100          r--                    Read
5       101          r-x                    Read, execute
6       110          rw-                    Read, write
7       111          rwx                    Read, write, execute

The chmod Function (Windows)

#chmod LIST;
$ perl -e '$count=chmod 0755, "foo.p", "boo.p" ;print "$count files changed.\n"'

The chown function changes the owner and group of a list of files.

#chown LIST;
$ uid=9496;
$ gid=40;
$number=chown($uid, $gid, 'foo.p', 'boo.p');
print "The number of files changed is $number\.n";

The closedir function closes the directory that was opened by the opendir function.

#closedir (DIRHANDLE);
#closedir DIRHANDLE;
opendir(DIR, "..") || die "Can't open: $!\n";
foreach $file ( @parentfiles ){ 
   print "$file\n";

The directory listing

 #! /usr/local/bin/perl
use Cwd;
$dir = cwd;
print "dir=> $dir\n";
opendir(THISDIR, "$dir");
@dirList = <THISDIR>;
print "OPEN @dirList\n";
@dirList = readdir THISDIR;
print "READ @dirList\n";
print "\n\nThe directory listing after using readdir\n";
foreach $dir (@dirList){
   print "$dir\n";

The eof function can be used to test if end of file has been reached.

open ( DB, "data.txt") || die "Can't open emp.names: $!";
    print if (/Norma/ .. eof);      # .. is the range operator

The file list in current folder

 print join ("\n", glob ('*'));

The flock Function

use Fcntl ":flock";
open (OUTFILE, ">>flockTest.txt") || warn $!;
print ("Requesting Exclusive lock\n");
flock(OUTFILE, LOCK_EX) || warn $!;
print ("This process now owns the Exclusive lock\n");
$in = <STDIN>;
flock(OUTFILE, LOCK_UN)|| warn $!;
close (OUTFILE);
unlink ("flockTest.lck");

The getc function gets a single character from the keyboard or from a file.

 At EOF, getc returns a null string.
# Getting only one character of input 
print "Answer y or n   ";
$answer=getc;     # Gets one character from stdin
$restofit=<>;     # What remains in the input buffer is assigned to $restofit
print "$answer\n";
print "The characters left in the input buffer were: $restofit\n";

The link function creates a hard link on UNIX systems.

$ perl -e 'link("dodo", "newdodo");'

The mkdir function creates a new, empty directory with the specified permissions (mode).

#mkdir(FILENAME);       (Windows)
mkdir("mydir", 0755); # UNIX
mkdir(mydir);         # Windows

The read Function (fread)

open(PASSWD, "/etc/passwd") || die "Can't open: $!\n";
$bytes=read (PASSWD, $buffer, 50);
print "The number of bytes read is $bytes.\n";
print "The buffer contains: \n$buffer";

The read Function reads a number of bytes into a variable from a filehandle.

 number_of_bytes = read(FILEHANDLE,buffer,how_many_bytes);
# Reading input in a requested number of bytes
print "10 bytes or less.\n";
print "If you type less than 10 characters, press Ctrl-d on a line by itself.\n";
$number=read(STDIN, $favorite, 10);
print "typed: $favorite\n";
print "bytes read was $number.\n";

The readlink function returns the value of the symbolic link

#readlink SYMBOLIC_LINK;
$ perl -e 'readlink("new")';

The seekdir sets the current position for readdir() on the directory filehandle.

 The position is set by the a value returned by telldir().
opendir(DIR, "."); # current directory
while( $myfile=readdir(DIR) ){
    if ( "$myfile" eq ".login" ) {
       print "$myfile\n";
seekdir(DIR, $spot);
print "$myfile\n";

The seek Function randomly accesses a file.

#0   =   Beginning of file
#1   =   Current position in file
#2   =   End of file
open(PASSWD, "/etc/passwd") || die "Can't open: $!\n";
while ( chomp($line = <PASSWD>) ){
   print "---$line---\n" if $line =~ /root/;
seek(PASSWD, 0, 0) || die "$!\n"; 
while(<PASSWD>){print if /ellie/;}

The seek Function randomly accesses a file: seek(FILEHANDLE, BYTEOFFSET, FILEPOSITION);

 #Positions are
#0 = Beginning of the file
#1 = Current position in the file
#2 = End of the file
open(FH,"db") or die "Can't open: $!\n";
    if ($line =~ /LLLL/) { 
       print "--$line--\n";
while(<FH>) {
   print if /Sss/;

The select Function

 #! /usr/bin/perl
open (FILEOUT,">newfile")  || die "Can't open newfile: $!\n";
open (DB, "<datebook") || die "Can't open datebook: $!\n";
while(<DB>) {
   print ;            
print "Good-bye.\n";

The stat Function for Windows NT File Attributes

 open(FH, "io.txt");
@fileAttributes = stat (FH);
close (FH);
foreach $attribute (@fileAttributes){
   print "==> $attribute\n";
@accessTime = localtime($fileAttributes[8]);
@modifyTime = localtime($fileAttributes[9]);
@inodeTime = localtime($fileAttributes[10]);
$month = $accessTime[4] + 1;
print "Access time = $accessTime[2]:$accessTime[1]:$accessTime[0], $month/$accessTime[3]/$accessTime[5]\n";
$month = $modifyTime[4] + 1;
print "Modify time = $modifyTime[2]:$modifyTime[1]:$modifyTime[0], $month/$modifyTime[3]/$modifyTime[5]\n";
$month = $inodeTime[4] + 1;
print "Inode time = $inodeTime[2]:$inodeTime[1]:$inodeTime[0], $month/$inodeTime[3]/$inodeTime[5]\n";

The symlink and readlink Functions (UNIX)

 Format: symlink(OLDFILE, NEWFILE)
$ perl -e 'symlink("/home/jody/test/old", "new");'

The tell Function returns the current byte position in the file

open(FH,"db") || die "Can't open: $!\n";
while ($line=<FH>) {      
   if ($line =~ /^Tom/) {
       print "position: $currentpos.\n";
       print "$line\n\n";
print @lines;

The tell function returns the current byte position of a filehandle.

open(PASSWD, "/etc/passwd") || die "Can't open: $!\n";
while ( chomp($line = <PASSWD>) ){
    if ( $line =~ /sync/){
       $current = tell;
       print "---$line---\n";
printf "The position returned by tell is %d.\n", $current;
seek(PASSWD, $current, 0);

The umask Function (UNIX)

#umask EXPR
$ perl -e 'printf("The umask is %o.\n", umask);'
$ perl -e 'umask 027; printf("The new mask is %o.\n", umask);'

The unlink function deletes a list of files on both UNIX and Windows systems.

#unlink (LIST);
#unlink LIST;
unlink('a','b','c') || die "remove: $!\n";
$count=unlink <*.c>;
print "The number of files removed was $count\n";

To create a directory, use the mkdir command:

 mkdir($directory_name, $mode);
The $mode value is a numeric set of UNIX read, write, and execute permissions.
The $mode value is masked by your default umask value. 
The mkdir command returns a true value on success and false on failure. 
If it fails, mkdir sets $! with an error.
UNIX permission values used for the $mode value, shown as octal values.
The leading zero means these values are octal.
Value     Meaning
0400     Owner of file has read permission.
0200     Owner has write permission.
0100     Owner has execute permission.
0040     All users in same group have read permission.
0020     Group users have write permission.
0010     Group users have execute permission.
0004     All users have read permission.
0002     All users have write permission.
0001     All users have execute permission.
For example, 0666 means all users can read and write.

To open a directory, use the opendir command:

 $status = opendir(dirhandle, $name);
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
$name = "c:\\";
opendir(DIR, $name) or die "Can't open $name due to $!";
$entry = readdir(DIR);
while ( defined($entry) ) {
    print "$entry\n";
    $entry = readdir(DIR);

To open a file for appending:

 open(FH, ">>filename");    # Opens "filename" for appending.
                           # Creates or appends to file.

To open a file for reading:

 open(FH, "<filename");     # Opens "filename" for reading.
                           # The < symbol is optional.
open (DB, "/home/ellie/myfile") or die "Can't open file: $!\n";

To open a file for reading and writing:

 open(FH, "+<filename");    # Opens "filename" for read, then write.
open(FH, "+>filename");    # Opens "filename" for write, then read.

To open a file for writing

 open(FH, ">filename");     # Opens "filename" for writing.
                           # Creates or truncates file.

To read a directory entry (usually a file name), use the readdir function

 $entry = readdir(dirhandle);
The $entry variable holds the file name read from the directory. 
If there are no more names, readdir will return an undefined value in scalar context.
In scalar context, readdir returns the next entry. 
In array context, it returns all the contents of the directory: 
@entries = readdir(dirhandle);
If there are no entries, readdir will return a null list in array context.

To read a number of bytes from a file: $bytes_read = read(filehandle, $var, $length, $offset);

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Usage:
# infile outfile
$input = $ARGV[0];
$output = ">" . $ARGV[1];
open(INPUT, $input) or die "Can't open $input due to $!.";
open(OUTPUT, $output) or die "Can't open $output due to $!.";
$length = 1024;
$bytes_read = read(INPUT, $var, $length);
while ($bytes_read > 0) {
    print OUTPUT $var;
    $bytes_read = read(INPUT, $var, $length);
close (INPUT);
close (OUTPUT);

To read from a file:

 while(<FH>){ print; }      # Read one line at a time from file.
@lines = <FH>;             # Slurp all lines into an array.
print "@lines\n";

To truncate the data in a file, you can use the truncate function:

 truncate($file, $new_size)
The $file value can be either a file name or a file handle. 
The $new_size value is usually 0, to eliminate all data in a file.

To write to a file:

 open(FH, ">file") or die "Can't open file: $!\n";
print FH "this is a test.\n";
print FH "a test.\n";

Truncate a file

use warnings;
use strict;
my $file = "data.txt";
my $truncate_to = 100;
open READ, "$file" or die "Cannot open: $! \n";
while (<READ>) {
    last if $. == $truncate_to;
my $size = tell READ;
print "$. lines read ($size bytes) \n";
exit if $. < $truncate_to;   # already shorter
close READ;
print "Truncating to $size bytes...";
open WRITE, "+< $file" or die "Cannot write: $! \n";
truncate WRITE, $size;
print "done \n";
close WRITE;

Unbuffered perl io

binmode(STDOUT,":unix"); #requires PerlIO
for (0..9) {
    print "."; sleep 1;
print "\n";

Unbuffer output

 use FileHandle;
    print "to STDOUT\n";
    print STDERR "to STDERR\n";
    print "to STDOUT\n";
    print STDERR "to STDERR\n";

undef file handle

 use IO::File;
$filehandle = new IO::File;
if ($filehandle->open("<hello.txt")) {
    print <$filehandle>;
    undef $filehandle;

Uses die when testing for a successful file open operation.

unless (open(MYFILE, "file1")) { 
   die ("cannot open input file file1\n"); 
# if the program gets this far, the file was opened successfully 
$line = <MYFILE>; 
while ($line ne "") { 
   print ($line); 
   $line = <MYFILE>; 

Use the functions opendir, readdir, and closedir

 #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
    opendir (DIRHANDLE, ".");
    @filelist = readdir (DIRHANDLE);
    closedir (DIRHANDLE);
    foreach $file (@filelist)
       print "File: $file\n";

Using a Callback

use warnings;
use strict;
use File::Find;
find ( \&callback, "/") ; # Warning: Lists EVERY FILE ON THE DISK!
sub callback {
    print $File::Find::name, "\n";

Using a scalar variable to store a file variable name.

&open_file("INFILE", "", "file1"); 
&open_file("OUTFILE", ">", "file2"); 
while ($line = &read_from_file("INFILE")) { 
    &print_to_file("OUTFILE", $line); 
sub open_file { 
    local ($filevar, $filemode, $filename) = @_; 
    open ($filevar, $filemode . $filename) || die ("Can't open $filename"); 
sub read_from_file { 
    local ($filevar) = @_; 
sub print_to_file { 
    local ($filevar, $line) = @_; 
    print $filevar ($line); 

Using chdir to change the current directory

 chdir '..';
opendir(DIRECTORY, '.') 
    or die "Can't open directory.";
print join (', ', readdir(DIRECTORY));
closedir DIRECTORY;

Using file handle variable

 open FILEHANDLE, "<file.txt" or die "Can not open file";
while (<FILEHANDLE2>) {

Using format_write function to save formatted data to a file

 use IO::File;
$text1      $text2
$text1 = "Hello";
$text2 = "there!";
$filehandle = new IO::File;
$filehandle->open(">yourFile.txt") or die "Cannot open format.txt";
$filehandle->format_write (::TEXTFORMAT);

Using getc.

while (1) { 
   $char = getc(STDIN); 
   last if ($char eq "\\"); 
   $char =~ tr/a-zA-Z0-9/b-zaB-ZA1-90/; 
   print ($char); 
print ("\n"); 
sub start_hot_keys { 
   system ("stty cbreak"); 
   system ("stty -echo"); 
sub end_hot_keys { 
   system ("stty -cbreak"); 
   system ("stty echo"); 

Using getc function to read character from a file

 open (FILEHANDLE, "<file.txt") or die ("Cannot open file.txt");
while (defined($char = getc FILEHANDLE)){
       print $char;

Using getc function with while loop

 use IO::File;
$filehandle = new IO::File;
$filehandle->open("<file.txt") or die "Could not open file.txt";
while (defined($char = $filehandle->getc)) {
    print $char;

Using IO:File open to open a file for read

 use IO::File;
$filehandle = new IO::File;
$filehandle->open("<hello.txt") or die "Cannot open hello.txt";
print <$filehandle>;

Using IO::File to write string to a file

 use IO::File;
$filehandle = new IO::File;
$filehandle->open(">hello.txt") or die "Cannot open hello.txt";

Using open to connect different processes

use warnings;
use strict;
open( DIR, "dir *.* |" ) or die( "Cannot open dir pipe: $!" );
open( MORE, "| more" ) or die( "Cannot open more: $!" );
while ( <DIR> ) {
   print( MORE );
close( DIR ) or die( "Cannot close DIR: $!" );
close( MORE ) or die( "Cannot close MORE: $!" );

Using readdir to get the content in a folder

 opendir(DIRECTORY, '.') 
or die "Can't open current directory.";
print join (', ', readdir(DIRECTORY));
closedir DIRECTORY;

Using read function in while loop

 use IO::File;
$filehandle = new IO::File;
$filehandle->open("<file.txt") or die "Could not open file.txt";
$text = "";
while ($filehandle->read($newtext, 1)) {
    $text .= $newtext;
print $text;

Using read function to read a file

 open (FILEHANDLE, "<file.txt") or die "Cannot open file.txt";
$text = "";
while (read (FILEHANDLE, $newtext, 1)){
    $text .= $newtext;
print $text;

Using seek function from IO:File

 use IO::File;
use IO::Seekable;
$filehandle = new IO::File;
$filehandle->open("<file.txt") or die "Cannot open file.txt";
$filehandle->seek(12, 0);
while (<$filehandle>){

Using store function to save array to a file

 use Storable;
@a = (1, 2, 3);
store(\@a, "array.dat");
@a2 = @{retrieve("array.dat")};
print $a2[1];

Using store function to save hash value to a file

 use Storable;
%hash = (
    meat => turkey,
    drink => tea,
    cheese => colby,
store(\%hash, "hash.dat");
%hash2 = %{retrieve("hash.dat")};
print $hash2{drink};

Using tell function to check a file handle

 open (FILEHANDLE, "<file.txt") or die "Cannot open file.txt";
seek FILEHANDLE, 12, 0;
print tell FILEHANDLE;

Using while loop to read content

 open (FILEHANDLE, "<file.txt") 
    or die ("Cannot open file.txt");
while (<FILEHANDLE>){

Using write function to write string to a file

 use IO::File;
$filehandle = new IO::File;
$filehandle->open(">hello.txt") or die "Cannot open hello.txt";
$text = "Hello!";
$filehandle->write($text, length($text));

Wait for lock

 while (-e "flockTest.lck") { 
   print "waiting for lock\n"; sleep(1.0); 
open (LOCK, ">flockTest.lck") || die "Lock error $!";
open (OUTFILE, ">>flockTest.txt") || warn $!;
print ("This process now owns the Exclusive lock\n");
$in = <STDIN>;
close (OUTFILE);
close (LOCK);
unlink ("flockTest.lck");

'-w filehandle': True if filehandle is writable.

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
$dir = "c:\\";
opendir(DIR, $dir) or die "Can't open $name due to $!";
@entries = readdir(DIR);
@sorted = sort(@entries);
foreach $entry (@sorted) {
    $name = $dir . '/' . $entry;
    print "$name   ";
    if (-w $name) {
        print "w";
    }  else {
        print "-";

When you're done with a directory, you need to close it with the closedir command:

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
$name = "c:\\";
opendir(DIR, $name) or die "Can't open $name due to $!";
$entry = readdir(DIR);
while ( defined($entry) ) {
    print "$entry\n";
    $entry = readdir(DIR);

When you're done with a file, call close

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Test of open and die with $!.
$filename = "nofile";
open(TMP, $filename)
    or die "Can't open \"$filename\" due to $! ";

Win32 Binary Files

 #binmode FILEHANDLE
open( INFILE, "<$infile" );
open( OUTFILE, ">out.gif" );
binmode( INFILE );  
binmode( OUTFILE );
while ( read( INFILE, $buffer, 1024 ) ) {
    print OUTFILE $buffer;
close( INFILE );
close( OUTFILE );

Write array to a file

 open (FILEHANDLE, ">array.dat") or die ("Cannot open array.dat");
$, = "\n";                 #Set output separator to a comma
@array = (1, 2, 3);
print FILEHANDLE @array;

Write data to file

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
@linestring = ("line 1\n",
               "line 2\n");
open(MYFILE, ">c:\\outfile.dat") || die print "Error encountered opening file ... $!";
for($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++)
    $thisline = $linestring[$i];
    print MYFILE "$thisline";
print "Data has been written ..."

Writes to the standard error file.

open(MYFILE, "file1") || die ("Unable to open input file file1\n"); 
print STDERR ("File file1 opened successfully.\n"); 
$line = <MYFILE>; 
while ($line ne "") { 
   chop ($line); 
   print ("\U$line\E\n"); 
   $line = <MYFILE>; 

Write ten lines of text to a pipe

use strict;
open (PIPE,"| yourFile.txt") or die "Can't open pipe: $!";
select PIPE; 
select STDOUT;
my $count = 0;
for (1..10) {
  print PIPE "line number $_\n" and $count++;
  sleep 1;
close PIPE or die "Can't close pipe: $!";
print "Wrote $count lines of text\n";

Write unpack data to a file

 open INFILEHANDLE, "<data.uue";
open OUTFILEHANDLE, ">data.dat";
binmode OUTFILEHANDLE;    #Necessary in MS DOS!
while (defined($line = <INFILEHANDLE>)) {
    print OUTFILEHANDLE unpack('u*', $line);

'-x filehandle': True if filehandle is executable.

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
$dir = "c:\\";
opendir(DIR, $dir) or die "Can't open $name due to $!";
@entries = readdir(DIR);
@sorted = sort(@entries);
foreach $entry (@sorted) {
    $name = $dir . '/' . $entry;
    print "$name   ";
    if (-x $name) {
        print "x";
    }  else {
        print "-";

'-z filehandle': True if file exists and its size is 0.

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
$dir = "c:\\";
opendir(DIR, $dir) or die "Can't open $name due to $!";
@entries = readdir(DIR);
@sorted = sort(@entries);
foreach $entry (@sorted) {
    $name = $dir . '/' . $entry;
    print "$name   ";
    if (-z $name) {
        print "exist and file size is 0";

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