Perl Tutorial Online Webinar

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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Session 1
  3. Session 2
  4. Session 3
  5. Session 4
  6. Session 5
  7. Session 6
  8. Session 7
  9. Session 8
  10. Test and Certificate

Session 8 [07-01-2024] Download:

Perl ─ Subroutines

  • Define and Call a Subroutine
  • Passing Arguments to a Subroutine
  • Passing Lists to Subroutines
  • Passing Hashes to Subroutines
  • Returning Value from a Subroutine
  • Private Variables in a Subroutine
  • Temporary Values via local()
  • State Variables via state()
  • Subroutine Call Context

Perl ─ Regular Expressions

  • The Match Operator
  • Match Operator Modifiers
  • Matching Only Once
  • Regular Expression Variables
  • The Substitution Operator
  • Substitution Operator Modifiers
  • The Translation Operator
  • Translation Operator Modifiers
  • More Complex Regular Expressions
  • Matching Boundaries
  • Grouping Matching
  • Regular-expression Examples

perl-regex-reference: Download: perl-regex-reference.pdf

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