SWOT Analysis Notes

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SWOT Analysis


  • SWOT Analysis is a strategic planning technique used to evaluate the strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of any business or organization or a product or a process or a methodology.
    • A SWOT analysis guides to identify the positives and negatives inside of an organization (Strength & Weakness)
    • It also identify the positive and negative outside of an organization (Opportunity & Threat)
    • It helps in strategic planning and decision making
  • SWOT
    • Strength
      • What do you do better than any one else?
      • What do people in your market see as your strength?
      • What factors get you sale?
      • What unique or low cost resources do you have access to?
    • Weaknesses
      • What could you improve?
      • What should you avoid?
      • What factors lose you sale?
      • What the strength of rivals ?
    • Opportunities
      • What are the good opportunities facing you?
      • What are the interesting trends you are aware of?
      • Changes in Technology and markets on both a broad and narrow scale?
      • Changes in government policy related your field?
      • Changes in social pattern
    • Threats
      • What obstacle do you face?
      • What is your competition doing that you should be worried?
      • Is changing technology threatening your position?
      • Are the required specifications for your jobs, products & services changing?





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