Pharmacognacy Notes
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Synonyms of Important Drugs
Name of DrugSynonyms
Nux vomica Crow fig, Semen strychni
Physostigma Calabar beans, Ordeal beans
Rauwolfia Indian Snake Root, Serpagandha
Vinca Catharanthus, Periwinkle, Lady’s Thistle
Curare South American Arrow Poison
Belladonna Deadly Night Shade Leaf
Datura herb Angel’s Trumpet
Hyoscyamus Henbane, Night shade leaf
Stramonium Thorn Apple Leaves
Duboisia Cork-wood, cork-tree
Cinchona Jesuit’s bark, Peruvian bark
Areca Betal nut
Lobelia Indian Tobacco, Asthma Weed
Jaborandi Pilocarpus
Ephedra Ma-Huang
Colchicum Meadow saffron seeds, Autumn Crocus
Kola Bissy or Gooroo seeds
Tea Thea
Veratrum viride American or green hellebore
Veratrum album European or white hellebore
Kurchi Holarrhena
Ashwagandha Withania root, Winter cherry, Indian Ginseng
Aconite Bachnag, Monkshood
Vasaka Adhatoda, Adulsa, Malabar nut
Rhubarb Radix rhei, Rheum
Cascara Sacred bark, Chittem bark, Bearberry bark, Bearwood
Hypericum St. John’s wort, Millepertuis, Goat weed
Aloes Musabbar, Kumari
Cochineal Coccus, Red scale insect
Digitalis purpurea Foxglove leaves
Digitalis lanata Wooly foxglove leaves, Grecian foxglove, Austrial digitalis
Thevetia Yellow oleander, Trumpet flower, Lucky-nut tree
Indian squill Sea onion
European squill White squill, Meerzweibel
Strophanthus Arrow poison
G-strophanthin Ouabain
Dioscorea Yam, Rheumatism root
Liquorice Yasti
Ginseng Ninjin, Panax, Energofit
Senega Rattlesnake root
Gokhru Puncture vine, Tribulus
Wild cherry bark Virginian prune bark
Visnaga Khella, Pick-tooth fruit
Psoralea Bavachi
Chirata East Indian Balmony
Quassia Bitter wood
Kalmegh Andrographis
Gaultheria Betula oil, Oil of wintergreen
Chenopodium American wormseed oil
Eucalyptus Lemon gum tree
Lemon Grass oil Indian Melissa oil
Peppermint oil Mentha, Colpermin
Caraway Carum
Dill Anethum
Fennel Fruit of Foeniculum
Nutmeg Myristica, Nux Moschata
Garlic Allium
Tulsi Sacred basil, Holy basil
Musk Moschus, Kasturi
Clove Caryophyllum
Acorus Sweet flag, Bach
Crocus Saffron
Capsicum Chillies, Cayenne pepper, Axsain, Mioton, Zostrix
Turmeric Indian Saffron
Asafoetida Devil’s dung, Food of the Gods, Asant
Cannabis Indian hemp
Ipomoea Orizaba jalap roots, Mexican scammony
Podophyllum Himalayan May Apple, Mandrakes root, Vegetable calomel
Benzoin Loban, Bitter-almond-oil camphor
Myrrh Bol
Guggul Scented Bdellium, Commiphora
Colophony Rosin, Amber-resin, Pine-resin
Tolu Balsam Thomas balsam, Opobalsam carang
Peruvian BalsamIndian balsam, Black balsam, China oil, Honduras balsam, Surinam balsam
IsapgolIndian Psyllium, Plantain seed, Flea seed
Indian GumGum acacia
Guar GumDecorpa, Cyamopsis gum, Burtonite V-7-E
Gum KarayaIndian tragacanth, Sterculia gum, Kadaya, Katilo Kullo, Kuteera, Mucara
AgarJapanese Isinglass, Vegetable gelatin, Layor carang
Starch Amylum
Honey Mel
Amla Indian Goose Berry
Pale catechu Gambier
Castor oil Ricinus oil
Chaulmoogra oil Hydnocarpus oil, Gynocardia oil
Linseed oil Flax seed oil
Kokum butter Mangosteen oil
Cocoa Butter Theobroma Oil
Shark liver oil Oleum Selachoid
Cod Liver oil Oleum Morris
Hydrous Wool fat Lanolin, Adeps Lanae
Yellow bees wax Cera-flava
Lard Adeps
Diastase Amylase
Lysozyme Muramidase
Pyrethrum Insect flowers
Neem Margosa
Chalk Whiting
Fueller’s earth Floridin
Kaolin China-clay, Porcelain clay
Kieselghur Diatomaceous earth
Talc French chalk
Oxidized cellulose Pyroxylin

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